Act, Cartoon, Corruption India, Doodle, Education, Fun, General, Humor, India, Lesson, Politics, Right, Youth

Now This Is Fun-A Way to Protest

I guess everyone has heard about Political Satire coming up every now and then..and if you search the net you are sure to find many such sites.Recently there was a site called just to make some decent satire on Politicians which was fairly constructive as per the owner of the Site…The Site was nothing more than playing with JavaScript if I have to be precise and as the Site Creator stated “In a country with freedom of speech,I assumed that I am allowed to make decent satire on any politician more particularly if it’s constructive. Clearly, I was wrong.”

I guess he is clearly wrong as Freedom of Speech in India is only for those who have the power and I believe that Site Creator is nowhere close to power(Even I am not close to any Power–So Please Don’t poke me ;))..The Site was launched 17th July 2013 and got 60,000 hits in just 20 hours before it was taken down with a note of the Site Owner…Now that is pretty amazing–I guess India is getting  more and more capable in browsing the Net.. 😉

But little did I know that ideas are born not to die but to grow into an Adult and that’s what exactly happened–Two Friends from Mumbai–Web designer Alexander Gounder and Blogger Vidyut Kale got the domain and the site is up again and running so Take a Look at again here is the magic of JavaScript and I guess as far as People are aware of technologies they shouldn’t get irritated by this at all….Now isn’t it is a real Fun way to Protest…I guess it is 🙂

News Courtesy–Times of India

P.S–As I said I am no close to any power,although I am an Indian Citizen please spare me if I have breached the Freedom of Speech Right.

And as always my Interpretation on this…A Cartoon Strip.. 🙂
*Click on the image for better view…

Political Satire
Political Satire

34 thoughts on “Now This Is Fun-A Way to Protest”

  1. Hahahaaa nice update Harsha… btw, I could actually fix my mouse pointer over that ‘get details’ box (I’m using firefox) but unfortunately It’s not clickable… may be they should make it more innovative and humorous 🙂


    1. Yes U R right..I have checked the script and when using in Firefox it does get stuck in the ‘Get Details’ box… and sometimes even in they have not provided the ‘Get Details’ box to move all over the place..i.e.they have given limited Position for the box… 🙂


    1. Hahaha..It was indeed targeted to real issue but before it was able to take off it was taken down… Poor Indians.. 😦

      Hey BTW Can I make a cartoon strip on comments that you posted to my other post?
      And I have also shared my FB Link on that comment.. 🙂


  2. 60000 page view in 20 hours .. wah wah .. i guess social network 2 will be made in india ,.. in some days .. 😀 .. i was fun reading those implemented java script .. surely i can add some spice on my blog now 😀


    1. Hahaha…Indeed you can,Javascript actually do wonder..Its like creating magic…I have been playing with javascript though still much more to learn…
      Good Luck in Spicing up your blog.. 🙂


      1. yeah.. you never get enough with javascript .. there is so much to learn .. good luck with your playful act too .. someday i might get an app that will have your name mentioned 🙂


      2. Hahaha..That will be a Honour and so luck be with you in creating an App with my name and I thank you for that all in advance


      3. Hahaha..I got it wrong way then…And Surely If I somehow manage to make a prefect app..Don’t worry I will have another one with your name scribed on it and you can use it.. 🙂


      1. Hmmm..So you are on the safe side… 🙂
        BTW No New Post in your blog?

        And Watch out my blog at night I am going to write some lines not like poetry though as you write and even if it is bad just comment good words.. 😉


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