Black and White, Flower, Fun, Humor, Photography

Flowers in Black and White

Ever Imagined how a Flower would look in Black and White..I mean with B&W background,the world around them in just Black and White and they bloom with their colors on..
Have a Look.. 🙂

Flower 1
Flower 1
Flower 2
Flower 2

Flower 1 and Flower 2 indicates that this time also I don’t know their name….Actually I am not so good at knowing flowers name except few common ones.. 😛
Anyways how do they seem to you?

92 thoughts on “Flowers in Black and White”

  1. You’re right about the names, what’s in a name? Yet, the yellow one is canna or vaijayanti. I love the background in b/w. how did you do it? all I can do is to darin colour from all objects in the picture. How to do selective draining?


  2. nice…But the words and the feelings that are painted and written in black and white say a million of hidden things that a colorful thing cannot.
    Any way very good


  3. Well done. You got me thinking (as usual, Harsha) – this reminds me of a saying we have here: “Bloom where you are planted.” It fits your pictures.


  4. great photography and great effect.I have this option too in my mobile.Flowers are beautiful and makes the world colourful.And the black and white flowers will make the earth dull.


  5. Beautiful Harsha and a very happy Friendship day to you. I was suffering from the readers block as Jack said in his post. But pictures like this make my day.


    1. Hahaha..Readers Block…
      Even I am also not that Fine.. 😦
      I am glad the Flowers made you Smile… and Happy Friendship Day to you too… 🙂


    1. Thanks a Lot for Dropping By.. 🙂
      Both the Flowers are in its original color and I haven’t edited them.its just a feature in My camera that I used…The Feature highlights a specific color and makes other B&W.. 🙂


  6. its magic:) Didn’t know even this is possible!! even i don’t know the names of these flowers, so what…As Shakespeare said “Whats in a name?’


    1. Thanks a Lot Ankur… 🙂
      But there is no editing…It is a feature to highlight a color in my camera and the shot was taken highlighting the color of the Flowers.. 🙂


    1. Thanks a Lot Sfurti.. 🙂
      And as I said earlier I get to know about PADE midway,So I didn’t participate..but take my word I am sure next time.. 🙂


    1. Thanks a Lot Bursha… 🙂
      But there is no editing…It is a feature in my Camera to Highlight a particular color making others Black and White..simple and I guess I used it perfectly.. 🙂


    1. Thanks a Lot karan.. 🙂
      It is a feature in my Camera to Highlight a particular color making others Black and White..simple and I guess I used it perfectly.. 🙂


    1. Thanks a Lot Athena for taking out time and dropping by..
      Indeed life would have been much better if we could just be able to take out the best always… 🙂


    1. Nahi mere bhai I didn’t Photoshopped it..It is a feature in my Camera to Highlight a particular color making others Black and White..simple and I guess I used it perfectly.. 🙂


    1. There is no special technique Ritesh.. 🙂
      It is a feature in my Camera to Highlight a particular color making others Black and White..simple and I guess I used it perfectly.. 🙂


    1. Thanks a lot Neo…. 🙂
      I guess there is no technique and I haven’t used Photoshop either,it is a feature in my Camera to Highlight a particular color making others Black and White.. 🙂


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