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When I am on Cloud 9

Some moments in Life make you feel like you are on Cloud 9,Every Human Being on earth has gone through that feeling..Well for me too I had times when I feel myself on Cloud 9…

There are many instances in my life When I was in Cloud 9 and a recently I was on Cloud 9 again(few days back).. 😀

Recently I wrote a post on A Ray of Hope,I wrote that post because I did something wrong which made My Parents really upset and seeing them upset was unbearable for me,at that time I only had Hope to make things right,make them happy again..Well Everyone Knows time heals everything,so it did heal that scar also but I was missing my Parents Smile..

Well…As they say If God close one Door,He opens the other one,Well in my Case I have two doors open now..What I did wrong was related to my Work and I was desperately looking for a new Job and Guess What within a week I had Two Job Offers–One from a “Digital Marketing Company” and The Other One from a “PSU(Public Sector Undertaking) Bank” and I got these two offers simultaneously…And When I called up my Parents they were happier than ever as I was sensing it from their voice,I heard their Smile..and it gave me immense pleasure and I was on Cloud 9..

If I go by the number,after completing my Engineering I had nearly attended more than 100 interviews including Bank Interviews and to sum up nothing was going my way,though I had a Job I was not that happy with it..But now things are looking good and I am Happy as I made my Parents Happy.. 😀

RedBull Give You Wings
RedBull Give You Wings

Before The Good News–I took RedBull as they say–RedBull Gives you Wings

On Cloud 9
On Cloud 9

After the Good News–I got Hold of Cloud 9

P.S.-Please bear with my Stick Figures they are pretty new to my Blog.. 😉


71 thoughts on “When I am on Cloud 9”

    1. Thank You Himani.. 😀
      Yes I am happy as My Parents are Happy… 😀
      And I know you will also able to make your Parents Happy.. 😀
      I wish you All The Best. .:D 😀


  1. Congratulations ! 2 job offers in your kitty is surely an achievement ! So you happy,parents happy,your bank balance is soon gonna be happy,Where’s the party 😛 😉


    1. Thank You Nisa.. 😀
      Hahaha..Indeed everything is Happy Now..And for the bank balance ..Well lets see how soon I can make it Happy.. 😉
      And Party is on the way.. 😉


      1. Well..I wont tell here…Its a public forum..If you have a more private mail..gimme the id..I’ll tell you my why.. 😀


      1. Wow..Arjun..This is Simply awesome,Right Now I am reading his Bio…Thanks for this,You really made my Day.. 😀
        I never knew about him earlier.. 😀
        His is a multi-talented Guy–Musicians,Photographer,Engineer


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