Act, Celebrations, Citizen, General, India, Indian, Indian Youth, Right, Right To Vote, Vote, Vote Power, Youth

India’s 67th Republic Day

It’s 26th January 2016 and India has celebrated its 67th Republic Day…My wishes to India and all fellow Indians…. 🙂

26th January-A special day for India and Indians,as it is the day on which Indian Constitution came into effect during the year 1950 and since then India is considered a Republic and celebrating 26th January as Republic Day all over India.The Constitution of India is the way through which the Government System works,it is the law above all.

The Constitution defines itself and the Government as “for the people,by the people and of the people”,but wait let me ask a question does this happens for real,is Government really for the people,by the people and of the people?It is definitely “by the people and of the people” but not “for the people”..Before the elections they are only & only for the people..But after that we people are mere jokes for them.

Republic-In general it is a Political System where the supreme power lies in the hand of the citizens who can elect people to represent them..For that to happen we Indians are provided with “Right to Vote” a constitutional right but do we exercise our right properly or do it for the sake of doing.

So,this republic day sit back and think,think for yourself,think for the Nation and make the wise decision,because Nations future lies in our hand and we should never be casual in performing our duties towards our Nations

To Know more Kindly check out my other two posts–

And a Cartoon Strip for illustrative purpose to end with… 🙂

For the People,By the People,Of the People
For the People,By the People,Of the People

Click on the Image for a better view

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